Waikiki Beach is the best place on Earth to learn to surf!
17 Jun 2018

Waikiki Beach is the best place on Earth to learn to surf!

There is just no place on the

17 Jun 2018

There is just no place on the planet quite like Waikiki Beach when it comes to learning to surf. Although surfing has been around for hundreds of years and quite possibly much longer before the first westerners saw, it experienced it’s modern revival at Waikiki Beach. The wealthy and famous came from all around the world to see the beauty of Hawaii and attempt to surf the famous breaks in Waikiki.

The island of Oahu is known as “The Gathering Place”, and Waikiki really takes it to heart. Anytime of year, you’ll see people from all over the world playing in the surf. While there are plenty of highly skilled surfers at Canoes or Queens surfbreaks, they are vastly outnumbered by the beginners and it is widely accepted that Waikiki Beach is the stomping grounds of the surfing worlds newborns. It’s not unusual to feel self-conscious or embarrassed when trying anything for the first time, but it’s certainly made easier when there are hundreds of people around you laughing and smiling ear to ear. This collective feeling of childlike glee, the love & beauty of nature and the ocean, the adrenaline rush of surfing waves, all of this is undeniably infectious.

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